Twisted rocks !

When your LDAP server or your MySQL server starts to get really slow for any reason, you better make sure your web application don't wait too much for them. Otherwise you will just have more and more requests piling up, waiting for your HTTP server to kill them when they reach the server timeout. Apache default timeout is 300 seconds by the way, so depending on how many users your application serves, you might end up with a big bottleneck in your application and a potential disaster on the server resources.

One solution is to make sure your web application handles itself the problem, by configuring a tight timeout for every third party server it calls, like a SQL server or a LDAP Server. So whenever things gets too slow, you can return immediately a 503 to the client and free the thread. A Retry-Later header can also be added to inform the client.

For Sync, we have another header that is specifically looked up when things gets bad on server side, which is X-Weave-Backoff. But that header is used only on successful operations to gently ask the client to back off for some time.

Anyways, in theory it's quite simple to add some try..except timout: code in your application but in practice you better test it for real by benching your application with slow third party servers and check that the server does not melt in that case.

Not all servers (LDAP, SQL, etc) provide a way to make things slower and not all Operating Systems provide a simple way to slow down the network between two applications. netem is a nice tool but you might need to recompile your kernel to use it, and you have to be on some flavor of BSD or Linux for that.

Twisted excels for such tasks. I could write a port-forwarding script to simulate delays in less than 15 lines (that would take probably 100 lines using plain socket/asyncore).
import time

from twisted.internet import reactor

from twisted.protocols import portforward

class LoggingProxyServer(portforward.ProxyServer):

    def dataReceived(self, data):


        portforward.ProxyServer.dataReceived(self, data)

class LoggingProxyFactory(portforward.ProxyFactory):

    protocol = LoggingProxyServer

if __name__ == '__main__':

    fwd = LoggingProxyFactory('localhost', 389)

    reactor.listenTCP(390, fwd)

Once this script is launched, my application can use the port 390 to connect to LDAP, and deal with the timeouts.

From there, I am exploring different ways to delay the calls in a realistic manner. Like making the delay get bigger at every call until it reaches a max, then reducing it, etc. It's also a good way to log all the TCP conversations between the apps without having to set up a dedicated app like WireShark.

I already knew this, since Twisted was the framework we used in my previous company, but let me say it again: when it comes to write little network tools like that, Twisted just rocks.