Launch of

I am at the Fosdem in Bruxelles, trying to recover from last night beer event - and I should really be doing my slides for my talk, but I wanted to talk about my new personal project first:

Fait Main is a french online magazine I have started. It's in some ways very similar to Make : it contains articles about Raspberry Pi, Arduino, but also some topics around Python, Food, art in general, and some essays and interviews.

The link between all articles is the Do It Yourself approach, and we're trying for each article to present a projet that combines at least two topics of this list: eletronics, software, art, food & ecology.

The first issue was released a few days ago, and the next issue is planned in May.

In the first issue we're talking about CNC, Machine Learning, about Processing.js, Pure-Data and many other things.

The whole website is statically generated using Python & Mako & there's a Xapian-based search engine driven from Javascript.

Everyone is welcome to participate in the project at every level: coding, reviews, writing etc. Things are on Github at

Content of the first issue :

Oh I should mention: everything is in french ;)