How to generate proper reStructuredText titles with Python Paste

Python Paste and ZopeSkel are just great, if you don't know them and you are working on Zope packages, you should really take the time to look at them.
- Python Paste provides, besides other features, a engine to generate any kind of package structures based on templates. The templates can be written in Cheetah syntax; - ZopeSkel is a serie of templates that helps a Zope and/or Plone developer to start a Python, Zope or Plone package, taking care of all the boiler plate code generation, to make sure the packages are done in a egg-compatible, standard way.

Basing my work on ZopeSkel, I have started to create a serie of custom templates to speed up and simplify package coding bootstraps. The documentation in these packages are in reStructuredText, and I bumped into a small problem: when you create for example a "README.txt" in your template, which has a title that uses the project name, for example:

$project documentation



the result may vary depending on the variable value:

kool documentation



or even:

i_like_long_names_for_packages documentation



It's ugly, and the reST file won't compile if you try to generate html or PDF with docutils.

Since Paste uses Cheetah, we can fix this, by calculating the length of underlines:
#repeat $len($project) + 13


#end repeat

$project documentation

#repeat $len($project) + 13


#end repeat


This will create the proper length. You might argue it's a detail, but that saves me almost ten seconds for each new package now ;)