A new Python book : "Expert Python Programming"

The Packt team added a page about my new book, which will be out sometimes in September, so I guess it is the right time for me to announce it here !

So here comes "Expert Python Programming", where I explain how we work with Python every day to create software.


This is my first book in English, and writing in another language was quite challenging ;)

Anyway, this book is intended for developers that already have a background in Python and covers only advanced topics (see the editor details). But as I said, it explains how we develop our applications in Python so topics like continuous integration, documentation, testing, releasing, refactoring, etc. are covered.
Managers will also have a good overview of how a Python project can be run and managed, using modern tools like Distributed Version Control Systems (Mercurial for instance) or Buildbot.

Even if I am working on Zope and Plone these days, I have focused on writing a book that is only about Python, to make it useful to any developer. The fact that my friend Shannon did the technical reviewing helped on this : he doesn't use Zope too much so he was close to the target readership.

I will take more time when it comes out to announce it in the various mailing lists, and to get into greater details about the content that will be available online besides the book (some Python packages, etc)

I can't wait to see it out and hold it :D