Annoucing collective.eggproxy, the smart PyPI mirror

I just wanted to announce the release of collective.eggproxy (

collective.eggproxy is a smart mirror for PyPI, thaught and coded by my colleague Bertrand Mathieu.

It will collect packages on PyPI only when a program like easy_install or zc.buildout asks for it. In other words, unlike some mirrors that act like rsync and get the whole PyPI base (more than 5 gigas) collective.eggproxy will only get what you need.

At first run collective.eggproxy downloads pypi index and builds a page of links. When a software asks for a specific package, version, etc. collective.eggproxy downloads it if needed and stores it locally.

Want to give a try ? try it in two lines with easy_install:
easy_install collective.eggproxy


That's it !