$ rsync mozilla/services community #week 48

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Week 48

Easy Setup on new devices: I have benched the server on stage using Funkload to make sure everything works nicely, and realized that the Nginx + Gunicorn setup is not currently optimal using a single worker. I need to use a single worker because I have coded an IP filtering system that relies on a memory queue for speed reasons. In other words, all requests on one server need to share the same memory. The solution is to use an async worker like gevent that can be used without having to change the application code (Thanks Benoit!). GEvent uses libevent and greenlets and will allow a single process to run an event loop to handle requests, ala Twisted. So that's my next task.

Firefox Sync in Python: We finally landed the Python Sync server in dev servers, using our full environment. The server itself works since a while now, and is successfully used by people in the community, but I didn't have the chance to get it running with our fully-fledge infrastructure yet at Mozilla. So I had a few bugs to fix this week, related to that. For instance the ACLs on the Ldap are set so the bind user cannot read all fields on users entries. Anyways, this is now looking good.

OpenID / Identity: The bench script is ready. There's not much left to do on the server at this point. Maybe promote the server a little bit to see if some people in the community have an interest in such a thing.

Next Week Plans

Next week I plan to:
- Test the gevent worker with GUnicorn - Start some documentation - Integrate code reviews for Sync, hopefully - Prepare the 1/2 Python gathering I have planned mid-december in Moutain View Offices - etc.