RedBarrel is now compatible

I got really excited by web sockets the other week-end, so I decided that RedBarrel should support them out of the box and provide a very easy way to work with them, like what can provide on the server-side.

The usual "Chat" application

I have a first version of sockets support in RedBarrel. Most web socket demos include a chat application. I ripped the one I found here: and changed it until it worked in RedBarrel.

The whole application is composed of the RBR file, a python module an an html page with its JS libs.

Here's the relevant parts of the RBR file:
# hooks the chat() function as a service

path socket (

    method SOCKETIO,



# that's the html file that displays the chat room

path chat_html (

    method GET,

    url /,

    use file:chat.html


And the whole app is contained in one module:
import json

_BUFFER = []

_D = json.dumps

def add(msg):


    if len(_BUFFER) > 30:

        del _BUFFER[0]

def chat(globs, request):

    """A Chat room using web sockets"""

    socketio = request.socketio

    sid = socketio.session.session_id

    def announce(message):

        socketio.broadcast(_D({'announcement': message}))

    if socketio.on_connect():

        announce(sid + ' connected')

        socketio.send(_D({'buffer': _BUFFER}))

    while True:

        message = socketio.recv()

        if len(message) == 1:

            message = {'message': [sid, message[0]]}




            if not socketio.connected():

                announce(sid + ' disconnected')

Nothing fancy here, gevent.socketio does all the magic. But I am very glad that I was able to integrate this in RedBarrel with the no-boiler-code-at-all philosophy I want to keep. That is 1/ define a RBR file 2/ do the coding

How the feature was added

The problem with web sockets is that their implementations may vary or may be nonexistent under some browser flavors. I've hacked something that worked, then looked at how I could make the thing work under Firefox, IE and Chrome and started to feel like back in the old days when we had to work out our Javascript code for all the different browsers. This may be still true but at least they are some decent libraries now that make most of the JS code cross-compatible. seems to do a very good job in this area for web sockets by providing a lot of different transports implementations for applications that want to have "websocket-like" features. A Transport here is just one way to send and receive data between the client and the server. It may be the shiny web sockets, it may be something else. has a websocket implementation -- sorry I am not following the RFCs on this, but I know there are at least 2 versions -- but also some fallbacks in case the browser does not seem to be compatible with web sockets. That includes a flash component and various other techniques based on async calls, like XHR polling. And it works really well -- I don't know how the fallback algorithm works internally, but I was able to have a app running against the latest Firefox, an old one and Chrome.


On the server side, I wanted to implement in RedBarrel something that looked as simple as what offers. So I needed to:
- implement every transport protocol supports - provide an async layer for all the broadcasting work

But.. it turns out that the gevent.socketio project already offers all of this -- it implements requests handlers for all the transports and a socket object with what we need. It uses GEvent in the background.

So basically all I had to do was to :
1. extend the RedBarrel DSL so we can define "sockets" in applications 2. make the RedBarrel wsgi application use gevent.socketio to handle incoming requests 3. expose the socket object in the WebOb request object on the fly 4. let the code do whatever it wants with the request and the socket, hopefully something useful

  1. was easy -- you can now define one path that has SOCKETIO as its method. That tells RedBarrel that the application will use and calls should be transmitted to the code pointed. The syntax might evolve since "path socket" (see the example at the beginning of this post) is not really needed. I might change it to something more straight forward.

  2. was done by switching to gevent.socketio own wsgi handlers + gevent runner. Once gevent.socketio has done its prep work like the web socket handsake, it goes back to the wsgi application -- so in our case the generic RedBarrel application that runs the DSL.

  3. When RedBarrel is called, it looks for the environ, where gevent.socketio adds a socket object and simply stick it to the WebOb request object.

  4. the code that is called receives, like for classical calls, a WebOb object and can use the attached socket.

What's next

I am going to add a sexy demo -- I asked people on G+ what demo I should add and it looks like I'll add a real-time server monitoring demo (using Flot) with these features:
- people can look in real-time what's going on (CPU, Memory) via constantly updated diagrams - people can talk to each other on the page ("Hey bob, the server is melting down, don't you think?")

If you have a small websocket app in Python and would be interested to see how it could fit in RedBarrel, please let me know, I'd be happy to give it a shot