Mozilla Services is hiring

My team at Mozilla (Services) is looking for talented people to work on Python-based server apps, such as Firefox Sync.

Currently, we're mainly writing web services. Firefox Sync and most projects we have, uses a micro-framework and stack I've initiated last year, based on WebOb and Routes, GUnicorn and NGinx.

For Sync, the code is a thin layer on the top of a big MySQL cluster (more than 100 servers) and some LDAP Servers for the user authentication.

We're responsible for writing the code & tests, and releasing it so the Service Operations team can deploy it.

That includes some packaging work, having a TDD approach, and caring about the beauty of the code.

I like my work for many reasons, here are a few:
- It's all open source - I work with very smart & talented people - We work on big scale projects - We're trying whenever it makes sense, to make it possible for people to run our apps on their own servers. - Anyone is welcome to contribute. In practice, we don't have a lot of contributions on server-side because the community uses our own deployed services, but there are still a few people out there that are running their own server and sending us back some feedback/patches. That's the interaction I like the most.

And check out the big project we're starting in Services:
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The only caveat of my job is that I am currently the only member in my timezone, so I feel disconnected sometimes. But this is changing: the major part of the server team is in PDT (California), but we now have someone in Australia (yay!) and it is planned to have some other folks in my timezone (or at least, close) soon.

I'd love to see more Europeans join the team. Click here to apply or contact me.

You can check my previous blog entries in the Mozilla category to see what I have been up to in this area.